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Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894). composer, teacher, performer, lived a full life. The head of the school in St. Petersburg, the very first to offer Russian classes in harmony, composition, melody, etc., to the delight of people such as Rachmaninoff, Gliere, and Chopin, the list goes on. However, while a good composer, his promoting himself as a pianist proved to be a downfall for him as the powers that be in Russia didn’t approve, and the composing and touring proved too much for him. For those interested, there is an excellent biography by Philip Taylor that covers his life very well, good and bad. There is also a free autobiography to read on the internet archive. While a good teacher, he didn’t get along well with his students, and as a result, he formed no lasting relationships with any of them.

Born in Vichvatljnetz on the Dniester river 30 miles from Balta. He moved to Moscow at an early age remembering the covered wagon they traveled in. His mother started giving lessons but it soon switched to Villoing, his only teacher. He toured with Villoing and met Empress Alexandra, quite the hit with the rich and famous as a 12- year- old.

He went through a period of time he called his ‘bohemian’ years, suggested by Lizst, who felt lean times were good for a composer. He had times where he had no food for two or three days and the attic he lived in was horrible. He had as a teacher Dehn for counterpoint and harmony who also taught Glinka.

He started the Russian Music Society in 1858/59 which he was head of from 1862-1867, the very first to offer classes in Russian.