Sounds of Hollywood vol. 1

May 24, 2017

hollywood vol. 1

TT is 60:21

  1.  Pirates of the Caribbean (3:34)
  2.  Forrest Gump (4:19)
  3.  James Bond compilation (6:18)
  4.  Flintstone (1:11)
  5.  Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (6:36)
  6.  King Kong (8:48)
  7.  Terminal (4:19)
  8.  Star Wars (5:29)
  9.  Lord of the Rings 2 Towers Suite (5:08)
  10.  Gladiator (6:29)
  11.  Schindler’s List (4:37)
  12.  Jurassic Park (3:29)

The Vogtland Philharmonic 10 years ago issued a release of film music called Hollywood Sounds featuring many of the new releases in simple but effective arrangements. The one hour CD, probably played in one of their numerous concerts offers a variety of material which helps to break up the CD. Going from the entertaining James Bond material to the funny Flintstone theme, which brought back memories to me when it was on prime time television, to the serious Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, an action score. My favorite of the group is the main theme from The Terminal (Viktor’s Theme) The use of the clarinet perfectly fits the behavior of Viktor who is trapped in the airport unable to enter the United States. One of Hanks better efforts in my opinion. Also included are the standards Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean, Schindler’s List. Included is a James Bond compilation which I found very weak as well as a poor rendition of Forrest Gump. I found the 9 minute version of King Kong  to be be a pleasant listening experience. As part of the three volume set this starats the ball rolling and subsequent volumes (especially three) make this an exciting package.

As a listener I’m quite surprised that I was unaware of this series given th fact I easily have over 2000 CD’s in my collection. The surround quality is far superior to the convential CD system with it’s stereo quality opposed to the 5 speaker system.

A major complaint that I had about this disk was the published track listing. It was completely wrong and I found I needed to listen to the tracks and put them in the proper order. If you do purchase the disk my track listings in my review are correct.

One Response to “Sounds of Hollywood vol. 1”

  1. romanmartel Says:

    Hmmm, never heard of this series. Based on your recommendations, I’ll have to check them out. I enjoy good rerecordings.

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